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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Fun bike in Thamrin City, waiting for dad at the finish point

Sunday morning at 5, we get ready for the Fun Bike event in the Thamrin City. Around 6 am Me, my mother, my wife and Dias went to the location in Thamrin by Kijang car, we must hurry because the start begins at 7. While getting there, we also have to pick up uncle Agus in Manggarai. Arriving uncle agus home turns out he can not come together, but he would follow. We continue to Thamrin City immediately. Arrival in Thamrin gratitude was the start has not yet begun. I parked the vehicle and prepare the bike, not how long uncle agus been reached following a motorbike. I prepare the bike for him that we brought in the car.

Me and my older brother Agus (uncle Agus) follow the group had just the start, While my mother, my wife with Dias walked to finish point,  wait there.

We both enjoy riding a bike in the Thamrin and Sudirman street, so many people who ride there, on Sunday morning Sudirman and Thamrin streets free of vehicles, because it specifically for those who will exercise and recreation on public holidays.

My Brother / uncle Agus
Me / Dias father

After about 1 hour, we both entered the finish, immediately enter our voucher for raffled door prize, we also get a snack by showing coupons and then we rushed to the place where my mother and my wife with Dias wait. We eat a snack together because hungry, since morning had not eaten.

After we ordered and ate street food, me and uncle Agus go to the door prize were announced. We waited until the last door prize was announced, we did not get it but we were not disappointed because our main intention to exercise and recreation, especially for Dias my son and my mother can recreation and see a lot of people.

While preparing to go home and wait aunt Enny who had just returned from vacation on the island of  Untung Jawa, uncle Agus try tempting to Dias laugh, Dias responding with a laugh and so many laughter, he seemed pleased with the uncle Agus.

Dias laughing

We went back home on the way pick up aunt Enny, in her office, uncle Agus returned to his home in Manggarai by a motorcycle. After we got home Depok, Dias rest in bed while accompanied by grandmother Adi.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Aged 4 months

Today is the fourth of Dias Immunization, consists of the second DPT, Third Polio and the second additional HIB Immunization. Now aged 4 months or less 4 days with a weight 6.27 Kg, length 64 cm and head circumference 38.5 cm. Doctors said the condition of Dias in good health. 


After immunization at home in Depok


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Prone position in a stroller

At home with father and take prone position in a stroller assisted by father.

see father

Saturday, November 20, 2010

With mother and father in the afternoon

In the morning playing with father, and in the afternoon ride stroller guided by mother, father accompanies by bike.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Both hands holding each other

At the time of Eid ul adha for the first time the two hands of Dias holding each other.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Play swing with aunt Enny

Near the house in Depok, approximately 50 meters in front of the house there are toys swing sets, precisely in front of the mosque. This morning after bath, carried En aunt, playing swing.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Aged 3 months

Dias 3 months old now, with Weight: 5.1 Kg, Length: 60 cm, and head circumference: 38 cm. Healthy condition.

At age 3 months, Dias did not go to the doctor, because the immunization schedule to the doctor have been determined by the doctor at the age of four months, So I own a measuring weight, height and head circumference Dias.

Sleepy in the strollers

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Rainbow on Tanjung Barat sky

Dias is now 2 months 3 weeks old. After I was keeping Dias, riding a motorcycle over the skies of Tanjung Barat is a beautiful rainbow.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Prone Position and Lifted Head

At the age of 2 months and 2 weeks One progressive development, Dias on prone position and lifted his head.


See Father

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Eyes and Ears Dias was able to react

This morning I brought Dias, ride baby carriage at the street in front of house. At the end of the road I stopped, I tried to reaction the eyes and ears of Dias by way of applause and moving my body to the front left side of the baby carriage, while I am still clapping, I moved to the right front of the carriage, then continued to the back of the carriage. His eyes, and His ears followed the direction I moved and looked at my applause. I tried several times, Dias still continue to follow the direction of my motion. I am very happy and pleased with the progress shown by Dias. One begining step for Dias in living his life.

Reaction of eyes and ears

In the afternoon, I move his body upside down on the bed with his head turned right, Dias moved and search the comfortable position, after that he fell asleep. I was surprised, usually with that position, he does not sleep. Dias seems very comfortable with that position, I was a little scared but I see breaths up and down normally. I waited until about 15 minutes. Then I move the position of his head facing to the left, Dias woke up and cried briefly, then fell asleep again. Sleeping with the head facing to the left also lasted for 15 minutes. Then I change to the usual supine position, Dias awake for a while after that I moved him on baby carriage, and Dias fell asleep again. Sleeping in the baby carriage this time a little longer. The health of Dias is very good today, not fussy at all. Dias smart, dad is very happy today, because Dias has shown two very important progress.

Dias ... oh ... Dias ... Dad really love you. Son ...!.

Sleeping in prone position

Monday, October 11, 2010

Haircut for the first time

In the morning, Dias ride baby carriage guided by the sister of grandfather, grandmother Sanah alternating the street front of the house, I accompany her while see Dias. Before the shower the morning, Dias preparation for a haircut the first time in his life. My wife prepares shaver, a basin of warm water, tisue, and soap for babies.
Dias in my wife's lap while drinking breast milk, I cautiously began smearing her hair with soap and began to shave his head with a razor. It turned out very difficult to shave baby's hair for the first time, because there are layers of greasy dirt on the scalp. Slowly I began to shave the front, top, side and rear. After about half hour finish shaving his head until bald without a single hair. Dias happy face looks so fresh and funny. When finished bathing and clothes and then continue to drink breast milk, while relaxing in my wife's lap.
First Bald

amazed face
Flushed face

After haircut

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Aged 2 Months

In the morning

Today Dias aged 2 months and receive Third Immunization. At 8 AM we reached the hospital JMC, before it was examined by doctors, Dias was measured by a nurse, Weight: 4.5 Kg, height: 56 cm, and head circumference: 35.5 cm. Good enough for babies with birth weight 2.37 kg, now Dias same as babies born with weight of 3 Kg. but progress is still about 98%, because at 100% are: Weight: 5 Kg, Height: 58 cm, and head circumference: 36 cm. So nearly ideal. 

Head circumference


After we waited a few moments, the nurse calls Dias to enter the doctor's room. Doctors are very pleased with the progress of Dias, doctors examine the nose, mouth with a flashlight and also check all parts of the body. Doctors declared Dias in health.

Medical examination and Immunization

The doctor injected a DPT immunization which had no heat effect, and in one shot at joining the Additional Immunizations: Hib PRP-T in the right thigh, Dias cry but then given by mouth a second later Polio Immunization Dias stopped crying. After Dias finished we went home, Dias slept in the car, probably because of the effects of immunization.

In the Afternoon :

at home Ampera held selametan Aqikah to Dias. Guests in attendance recited some verses from the Quran, and then all the  guest little cutting of Dias hair, and some washed his head with a flowers water. Recitation leaders pray for Dias Radityo Winarko, hope may become pious child and dutiful to parents and useful for religion and his country. I also always pray for you, my son, hope you always be Healthy both physically and spiritually, healthy
body and soul, be a child who is smart, and has the attention of fellow human beings, and child who is always happy.. amen ..!. Dad is really love you,  my son ...

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Dias at grandmother Adi's home

At 11 o'clock, I picked Dias from Cilandak home. Arriving at grandma's house Adi, Dias in placed on the
mattress and he started moving. Dias enjoy a bright room with windows facing east and the morning sun illuminates the entire room. In the afternoon I played with him and move his limbs, hands and feet, while singing 'Frog Ngorek'. Dias playing until late afternoon, sometimes Dias sleep. In the evening our region have heavy rain. Dias slept soundly that night, occasionally waking up.

Dias with grandmother Adi

The next day after a morning shower, grandmother's Adi bring Dias on the front porch of the house. In the afternoon Dias doesn't move too much, more often drank milk from his mother and also milk from a bottle. After the bath, grandmother bring Dias in front of the house again. The night before go to house of Cilandak, heavy rain, Dias fussy and cry a lot, so the grandmother very sad .... Dias why are you my son.? ... I am very sad if you cry like that. Is there any problem with us... my son.

Struggled in the prone position
see father

Friday, September 10, 2010

Idul Fitri 1431 H

In the morning we went to the father's grave, at 'Makam Pahlawan Kalibata', after that I picked Dias from Cilandak home and then bring to the home in Depok. This is the first time, Dias joined the celebration of Idul Fitri and being a new member of our big family in this Idul Fitri. 
After I came at home and one by one my brother came, the whole family gathered together, and greet each other to apologize. Dias seems very happy. Dias at home Depok, for three days.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Aged 1 month

Go to the Hospital JMC 'to Examine health, and the second immunization. Today Dias aged one month with weight 3,36 Kg, height 52 cm, head circumference 34 cm. Doctor say the increase is good enough, condition his body is healthy. doctor's advice, sunbathing is enough.
Doctors inject BCG Immunization on the right arm and Hepatitis B Immunization in the right thigh.


 Dias Radityo Winarko aged 1 month

Saturday, August 21, 2010

In Depok home for the first time

In the morning went to grandmother's house in depok Kelapadua with Toyota Kijang. Weather clear and sunny, Dias seems very happy and enjoying this trip. This is the first long journey experienced by Dias, because the distance that we traveled about 20 km. Arriving home greeted by the grandmother and aunt Enny, immediately placed in a bed that has been cleaned and prepared Perlak, baby mattresses, pillows, bolsters and mosquito nets. Baby equipment given by aunt Enny.
In the night Dias sleep comfortable while covered blue mosquito net.

in mosquito net

Dias wake up early, at 7 am, Dias sunbathing in front of the house, close to the grave placenta under laurel. Dias really enjoyed the morning sun. Clothing and diapers, one by one removed, so sunbathing without clothes.

sunbathing, enjoyable
sunbathing, no problems

after bath
With pedestal Multyplex, baby mattress placed on top. At 8, Dias finished sunbathing, then shower, wiped with bath towel, given diapers, grito, clothing, and then in bedong. Dias already clean and fresh. carried by grandmother Adi, to the street in front of the house.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Separation of umbilical cord

On five days of Dias age, the umbilical cord was separate. I bring the umbilical cord to the house in Depok, and then planted in a place where the placenta was planted five days before.

Now Dias when bathing and dressing is no longer disturbed by his umbilical cord. I always pray for you my son, for your health, your intelligence, and care for fellow human beings. May God always protect you ..... Amien.

First Immunization

Today is the first fasting day of Ramadan 1431 H, Dias 4 days of age, will go to the pediatrician and immunization for the first time. When the newborn in the hospital, the last day before returning home, Dias recommended by pediatricians to check bilirubin on day four after his birth to the laboratory. In the morning at 7, we went to the hospital JMC, after arriving at the hospital, we immediately to the laboratory. Nurse taking Dias blood for the first time. Dias strong not cry, even though the nurse longer time to take his blood. After 15 minutes of waiting, the results of his laboratory is completed.

After that we went to the pediatrician, Dias weighed and measured height, with weight 2.34 kg, height 47 cm. Dias weighed down from the 2.36 kg at birth, but height increase. After waiting a while Dias on the call by the nurse to go into the pediatrician room. Doctor checking lab results, and the results fit in bilirubin threshold. but do not need hospitalization said pediatrician, Dr. Rebeca. The doctor told us to Dias sunbath in the morning between the hours of 7 to 8 o'clock. Then Dr. Rebeca give immunizations, there are 2 immunization, polio, is inserted through the mouth and Hebatitis B-1, is inserted through an injection in the thigh. Dias cry during an injection of hepatitis B immunization-1 in the right thigh, but not for long.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Dias for the first time sunbathing in the morning between the hours of 7-8. I have prepared a table in the yard with a baby blanket repose. All clothing is opened, flipped through his body. Dias seems very comfortable and enjoying the morning sun.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Dias left hospital and go home

Today is our fourth day in hospital, the day we've been able to go home. In the morning I come back to my home in depok, after lunch I returned to the hospital by car 'Kijang' to pick up my son and my wife. After completion of the administration, I, mother-in-law and my wife with Dias, returned home in Ampera. Dias sleep after arriving home.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Good morning my Son

Early morning Nurse come to our room for Dias bathe, I follow the nurse who brought Dias to the baby shower room, it turns out there another baby who gather in baby shower room too. Few moments the nurse began to bathe the babies one by one, I watched on until the time came for Dias. After bathe, dried with a towel, given a powder, etc. then worn baby clothes and wrapped in cloth bedong, after it was placed back into crib, and brought back by nurse to our room.

In our room, Dias sleep comfortably. I take it Dias who was sleeping in a crib to the edge of the window in the room. not how long my oldest brother mas Wid, with his wife, mba Nani and her brother Mas Budi came to visit.

at noon my second oldest brother, Mas Didiek with his wife mba Gemi and their son Adit visit us also.

In the afternoon, my mother Mbah Adi, my sister Mba Enny, my brother Mas Agus with his wife MbaNina, and their children Reyhan and Ivan, my younger brother Herdy and his wife Rinta come too. I'm very happy all my brothers and sisters visit my son Dias.



Saturday, August 7, 2010

My Son was born

Cesarean section

Morning at 8:00 my wife moved into the observation room preparation for Cesarean section. Promptly at 9:00 my wife helped by nurse into operation room, I could only wait outside with a sense worry, stress, mingled. Not long after that mother-in-law coming, we both waiting outside. While waiting, i walked to the front of the hospital to smoking and phone my mother tell and ask prayers for the smooth operation of this Cesarean. After smoking I returned to the waiting operating room.

My Son was Born                          

I hear the sound of baby, not long after that, nurse told me that my child was born precisely at 9.20 o'clock, healthy and safe. I with mother-in-law  to the baby room where my child is placed, from the glassed room I could clearly see for the first time my child. Feelings of pleasure, emotion with a feeling of mingled joy and pray Subhanallah Alhamdulillah Lailahailallah Allahuakbar. I Azan and qomat in the right and left of my child  ear with a feeling of emotion and excitement.

After that I rushed to in front of hospital to tell my mother by phone, with emotion and tears I told to my mother that 'MY SON WAS BORN HAPPY AND HEALTHY'. But I've not yet to check his limbs, possibly because so excited till forgotten. After that I hurried back to the baby room, to ascertain whether all complete, it turns out after I check the ear and began to advance onwards to toe, .. everything there is a complete ... Alhamdulillah.

The Placenta

Waiting all while see my son, not long after that, nurse give to me the placenta in Kendil wrapped in plastic. After permission to my wife and in-laws, I rushed home to bury the placenta as well as meet with my mother.

Arriving home I hugged my mother with tears and say thank God. Incidentally mas Didiek came home, there was also mba Enny and Herdy. 

Placenta Cleaned and washed by the mother with the ingredients of herbs. My older brother Mas Didiek and my younger brother Herdy prepare the cemetery for the placenta, I opened my laptop write a name: DIAS RADITYO WINARKO accompanied by a sentence of prayer to be buried along with the placenta in Kendil. Before wrapped in cloth of red and white flags, a small knife inserted Kendil, Yassin book, In English dictionaries, etc., then buried by mas Didiek in the front right corner of the house just under the shady laurel. 

meaning : "be the sun for families"

DIAS : Combination of our names, EDI and ASRI. Spell from back 'SAID' : The first name my wife father. alphabetic combinations 'S.ADI' : My Father first name
WINARKO : Paternal last name

Dias first day in the world

When finished burying the placenta, I went back to the hospital, followed by my mother and my older sister Enny. Arriving at the hospital, I put a piece of paper the name of my son DIAS RADITYO WINARKO on the label box that previously contained : BAYI NY.ASRI. It turned out my son preparation will be moved to the my wife room so rooming with his mother in room number 313, I requested nurse permission for hold a minute because my mother will see my son.
After that I 'm going  to meet my wife who was accompanied by mother-in-law in room number 313, After my mother and mba Enny came to the room, I invite to see Dias at baby room downstairs.

Dias first met Grandma and aunt Enny, feel emotion and excitement. A few minutes later Dias was accompanied grandmother and aunt Enny, brought by nurse to room number 313 rooming with mother.

at night

This is the first night of Dias present in the world, my wife and I did not experience in the care of infants. but I've learned how to hold the baby from the nurse before. Dias often awake all night and cry, because my wife just operation and still wound so her movement very difficult and limited.

We helped Dias for breast feeding, could suck her nipples but the milk not out. Many times I hold Dias and try to stop of his cry. Throughout the night we both did not sleep because keeping Dias. I feel sad when touch Dias Crying, in my life I never felt like this before  .... oh .. Dias ... father very love you ..son.

Waiting for Cesarean Section

Depart from home to hospital by car Toyota Kijang, arrived in the hospital At 20:00 o'clock. After taking care of administration and pay for the deposit of hospitalization, we went straight to the observation room. Sister install equipment to see the baby's heart rate and blood pressure of my wife. After about an hour in the observation room to see the baby's heartbeat, we moved to room 313. That night we slept both in bed for one person only. I'm nervous and stressful waiting for my wife's surgery tomorrow. This is the first time in my life will have a child.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

At home of Cibinong

My wife and I went to my house in Cibinong to stay until tomorrow afternoon. My wife is pregnant and will be in a cesarean section on August 7 at 9:00 am in the Hospital JMC, by doctors Triani. JMC Hospital, located at Jalan Warung Buncit Raya, South Jakarta. I continue to pray for the smooth and success the operation, also hopefully my child safe, healthy, normally and with no shortage of anything.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Check pregnancy and ultrasound

This is where my story begins. I am married on 28-10-2008. I married at age 40, and my wife 34 years old. In 2009 my wife pregnant, but at the age of 7 weeks of pregnancy my wife's miscarriage. 3 months later in November 2009 my wife pregnant again. In this second pregnancy my wife is very careful to guard it, until the pregnancy can last up to 9 months and then my child was born.

My wife routine pregnancy check at the hospital JMC with dr. Triani, SPOG. After 5 months of pregnancy, we could see our son through ultrasound. There is a slight problem on my wife's pregnancy, the placenta baby was in the wrong position, below and under the baby's head, thereby inhibiting the process of our baby to be born normal. In medical terms is called 'Placenta Previa'. The doctor said, if the position has not changed in 36 weeks of pregnancy, the birth of our baby can only be done by Caesarean section.

Weeks passed, months passed, my wife finally gestational age reached 36 weeks, and the two last ultrasound examination, doctors make sure my wife must the cesarean section on August 7, 2010. My wife and I can accept it because it is for the safety of my wife and my child. On last weeks ultrasound, doctors can ensure that the gender of the baby is male. I am very happy to hear that. I pray for the greatness of Allah, Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, I hope my wife gave birth to are safe and well my son born in good health, normal with no shortage of any. Amien.


Gender : Male

Body and arm