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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Prone position in a stroller

At home with father and take prone position in a stroller assisted by father.

see father

Saturday, November 20, 2010

With mother and father in the afternoon

In the morning playing with father, and in the afternoon ride stroller guided by mother, father accompanies by bike.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Both hands holding each other

At the time of Eid ul adha for the first time the two hands of Dias holding each other.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Play swing with aunt Enny

Near the house in Depok, approximately 50 meters in front of the house there are toys swing sets, precisely in front of the mosque. This morning after bath, carried En aunt, playing swing.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Aged 3 months

Dias 3 months old now, with Weight: 5.1 Kg, Length: 60 cm, and head circumference: 38 cm. Healthy condition.

At age 3 months, Dias did not go to the doctor, because the immunization schedule to the doctor have been determined by the doctor at the age of four months, So I own a measuring weight, height and head circumference Dias.

Sleepy in the strollers

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Rainbow on Tanjung Barat sky

Dias is now 2 months 3 weeks old. After I was keeping Dias, riding a motorcycle over the skies of Tanjung Barat is a beautiful rainbow.